We are currently manufacting a PRS (Natural gas pressure reduction station) which will have a maximum inlet pressure of 99.3 bars and an outlet pressure of 5.5 bars to be used in the Canadian gas grid. It will be a containerized flexible design which will be shipped from Turkey to Canada in a built package configuration. The design of the PRS (both the mechanical skid and the container) was done inhouse by Palmet Group and was approved and stamped by Petra Engineering of Canada. The design and the cconstruction of the PRS is in accordance with the relevant Canadian codes and standarts (CSA).
The mechanical spool pipes API5L GRX42-PSL2 (with various SCH class and thickness and diameters are used in the construction. The active regulator will be Fischer EZHSO type and the monitor regulator will be Fischer EZHOSX type.
I will be publishing updates as we move along, as within the next couple of weeks there we plan to finalize the setup. So keep looking here.
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