Simulator status as of 31st of January 2022. The simulation core software in use is the wonderfull PROSIM-AR A320 aviation suite. Simulator running is Prepar3D v4, currently doing some trials with Microsoft FS2020.

I have finally managed to finish the upgrade works on the pedestal section of the simulator. The old wooden construction and all flightdecksolution panels were dismanteled completely and was replaced with a cockpitturk metal construction pedestal. The metal construction from cockpitturk is a high quality product, it comes with DZUS rails , but I highly recommend to use solid bars , marking them, drilling them and threading them according to your needs, as it was a bit diffucult to match various panels to DZUS. This can be requested from cockpitturk as they are a very reliable and flexible company. Please follow this link for the product page , it is highly recommended.

Below is a photo taken during the dismantling process. My self designed, manufactured throttles are also retired now, I have replaced the throttles with a fscockpit unit from Poland. I am not happy with this throttle unit from fscockpit of Poland, unfortunately I had to re-work a lot on the unit, had to modify some of the components, and the backlighting of some panels are not working (it is almost imposible to access the control card to correct things), the trim wheel mechanisms and the connection to the step motor is poorly designed ! The unit itself is not level so luckily I have a metal pedestal frame to level the unit. There is still a huge gap between the trim wheel and the conical section which can not be corrected at all. So this unit is not a recommendation personally unfortunately...

Cleaned up photo, with connection cables remaining for open cockpits electronic interfacing. I have removed all panels and cabling, the old style backlighting etc.

Some final images from the simulator as as 31st of january 2022.
