My cockpit cabin design is based on a wooden / timber based construction with final finishing cladddings implemented only from the inside (ie. when viewed from outside it the structure is fully visible). I had no concerns on the external view of the simulator, so dream of a shell visible from outside so that's why I prefered to go this way, you are free to improvise accordingly. (Please note the some of the stuff seen in some of the photos are way back from the past and have either been changed or redone)
I had to improvise with some dimesions in order to fit the simulator in available spaces, especially the width behind the sidestick panels are narrower than the real bus. Below you can see my setup's BASEPLATE dimensions (in mm's) it is basicaly a platform 2400mm x 1800mm. I used some timber bars indicated in dashed red and above these timer bars, a 30 mm thick plate (500mmx1800mm)

In the photos below you can see the actual base installations and the blue colored carpet laying over the BASEPLATE

Above this carpet cladded base plate, the side stick panel blocks (CAPT and FO sides), panel blocks behind the side stick panel blocks (CAPT and FO) , pedestal BLOCK, MIP BLOCK are placed and they are all tightened with each other using vairous fixing techniques. The photo below shows the dimensions (in mm's) of the base layout.

Below are some photos (mostly from the past, as mentioned before with revisions not reflecting the final setup) from the implemented items. All CRT monitors seen in the photos have been replaced with suitable size LCD flat screens. The joysticks have been replaced with regular ones.

The imagination of the side panels (where the cockpit window handles are) wa really a hard job. Some dimensional support was asked from pilots and I received the following information from a real cockpit (as seen in the below photos)

The manufactured parts looked pleasing enough for me, as seen in the photos below.

Front window templates (size 1-1) cut from hard paper board to simulate the upper parts of the shell.

To be continued....
Part II will cover the main cockpit vertical shell structure components, the rear wall and the overhead section (to be published soon) I do have plans to upload the DWG format files in the near future.
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