I've got some updates on the latest status of my home-based Airbus A320 simulator. Currently, it's running on the latest version of P3Dv6 ( and the PROSIM latest beta (1.68b5). Overall, P3Dv6 is performing quite well, especially in terms of flight dynamics. However, I've noticed that the external visuals appear somewhat darker than expected. Despite searching online for a solution to this issue, I haven't found any fixes yet (if anyone has a suggestion, feel free to let me know).
For the weather engine, I prefer using Activesky for P3Dv6 (latest version 7865), which integrates seamlessly with PROSIM IOS. Creating custom weather schemes has been smooth, although I’ve noticed a slight delay in how they are depicted in P3D, likely due to communication between P3Dv6 and Activesky.
I've been extensively experimenting with different parameters in the sound.cfg file to improve the audio experience. I'm using the TSS A350 TRENT-XWB Pilot Edition for P3D from Turbine Sound Studios. However, I've had to make a lot of adjustments to the sound.cfg, as I’m struggling to find the right balance between the wind sounds and the engine noises. On the other hand, the system sounds and callouts from PROSIM Audio V2 are working just fine.
Microsoft's recent announcement of MSFS2024, scheduled for release in November 2024, is quite exciting. I'll definitely be giving MSFS2024 a try, especially for its incredible visuals. However, as with any new software release, it will likely take some time to stabilize.
The photos below show the current progress of my simulator setup. I regularly perform calibration work on various analog components to ensure everything functions correctly.
The fire extinguishing panel in the photo is set up to connect with two zones of optical conventional smoke detectors (for cross-detection) and a sounder to monitor the simulator room for potential fire hazards. In the future, I plan to install and commission a clean-gas-based fire suppression system, such as an FK-5-1-12 NOVEC system, for added safety.

I've updated my IOS screens (located on the left side of the captain's seat) to feature two touch screens. These screens are running PROSIM IOS, Activesky (networked), Navigraph Charts, and a VATSIM client (networked). Most of the networked PC management tasks are handled directly from this IOS PC, providing a streamlined and efficient setup.
